I had my fortune told once. An ombiasy (holy man) visited my class in Madagascar to talk about ancestor worship--a historical form of religion still very prominent and widely practiced in the northwestern parts of the island. Naturally, I was intrigued and pumped--this was as legit as it gets. I mean, this guy was basically an academic, right? Anyways, Mssr. Ombiasy used his mystical seeds to perceive that I had a lot of stomach gas lately and that gas was causing discomfort in my other affairs. *crickets...SERiously?!* Best thing about this very underwhelming “fortune”? It was totally news to me! I mean, if I had been feeling gassy, then that would have been one thing buuttt... Let. Down. (To his credit, Ombiasy-homeboy did preface my reading by saying he couldn’t do it quite right because he was wearing pants. Which is not allowed. So...)
[this relates]
Tonight we had dinner with our university rector. (A rector is basically a president except, as it was explained to me, Turkish rectors actually do important stuff...unlike American university presidents.) After the hilltop meal, we (of course) had some Türk kahve. And then came my second chance at fate reading. Ceyla (pronounced Jay-luh), my main gal at Gtep Uni, offered to read my coffee grounds. Umm...YESSS! My enthusiasm made the many Turkish men at the table laugh, but I’d heard a lot about Turkish coffee readings and I was ready to give this thing a second go.
Here’s what I got:
-my grounds did not fall from the bottom of the cup, so I am “having a little bit of misery” right now and things have been kinda tough
-I have one very important wish and two less important wishes in my heart right now--all of which will come true...eventually
-there is something I really want for my my life that is in the works but might not happen for a while (3 days, 3 months, or 3 years were all suggested)
-a female person will help above thing to come along in due course
-I have no (or at least very few) tears right now
Not bad, eh? I was personally more stoked on the palm reading that followed:
-my life line is long, so I will live a long time
-my life and career lines do not cross (though they come close), so I will not have severe financial hardships
-my love line is deep and solid, so I will have one strong relationship and only one marriage
Huzzah! I pronounce this a fantastic success. Turkey>Madagascar. Unless, of course, misery=gas. Which, knowing the Turks and their idioms (and their figs/dates), it very well might. TMI, Cassidy, TMI.
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