21 November 2012

Ahh, south central Utah...

As y'all must know by now, I am obsessed with this place.

So, a natural starting place.

Convinced R to drive through Hanksville because I'd never done it before. 
And that led us straight into the heart of Capitol Reef NP!
Then spit us out on the Hogsback stretch of HWY 12 at the most magical moment.

Upon settling in at the Escalante place,


we went walking by the Escalante River...


and paid a visit to Lower Calf Creek Falls.


and had fires.
and watched some Gilmore Girls.
and did old newspaper crosswords.
and made breakfasts.
and generally reveled in the soulful refuge 
of a teeny town 
on the edge of GSENMonument 
in the middle of wonderful nowhere.


  1. Aww looks like a blast! I love checking in on your travels. Miss you girl!

    1. CourtCourt! I HAVE been having a ton of fun! I'm pretty psyched on this routine of random travels interspersed with sporadic employment. Not exactly rolling in dough, but fantastically satisfied. I'm home until just after Christmas, so hopefully a meet-up will actually happen! Please let me know when you're in Midway!
